Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chocolate berries

Maybe I'm turning over a new leaf, because while I'm not a huge fan of milk chocolate or strawberry-flavored things, when I saw this at Walgreens a few weeks ago I couldn't resist buying it:

Ritter Sport is an excellent brand of German chocolate that never fails to disappoint. I've had quite a few of their other chocolate bars and have loved every one (with the exception of the marzipan, which I was tempting fate in buying because I dislike marzipan). So even though milk chocolate and strawberries wouldn't normally sound very appetizing to me, I knew that I was getting something sure to be appetizing.

In the end, this poor bar went through a number of hardships: first it melted in my car, so I stuck it in the fridge to solidify it again, and then it melted slightly once more at work. Despite all of this, I thoroughly enjoyed it; the chocolate ended up being not nearly as sweet as I thought it would be, which I was relieved about.

If you're looking to try this or other Ritter products, I suggest World Market, which is where I normally get my Ritter. Good stuff!

Speaking of chocolate at Walgreens, I spotted this recently:

And of course I just had to buy it. Not only was it delicious, but it was really pretty to look at!

This bar was solid chocolate and didn't have any sort of filling, which I admit is not something I used to (I tend to be attracted to chocolate bars with filling). But it was a nice change from the caramel Godiva gems I bought at the same time as the Ritter Sport strawberry.

Fun fact, as a side note: if you type "Dove Raspberry Swirl" into google image search, you get pictures for Tori Amos' song "Raspberry Swirl." I love it!

Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate with Strawberry Creme: 5/5
Dove Raspberry and Dark Chocolate Swirl 4.5/5

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see branching out gave way to a good find. I dislike most milk chocolate because it can be too sweet. I'll have to give this exception a try. And I'll have to melt it, freeze it, and melt it again to bring out the full flavor... kind of like decanting wine. Ha!
    Let's all just admit that chocolate, Hannah, and Tori Amos all lead to each other in one massive hyperlinked world!
